Our Soul Revealed by our Environment - Egger

Our Soul Revealed by our Environment - Egger

Our Soul Revealed by our Environment: Psychecological Basics - Brigitte Egger, Dr. sc. nat. ETH
The ecological crisis has its roots and solutions in the way we think and act. As our time has lost the dimension of the soul, key psychological values appear projected concretely onto the core themes of economy, politics, technology, science, and more, overcharging them, mostly with destructive ecological consequences. Therefore, analysing symbolically the different ecological problems unveils, in revealing images, the unlived soul of our time, and helps us to ground our lives again in soul and natural processes, honouring the fundamental unity between human and nature. Analytical Psychology offers invaluable resources for the doubly needed ecological and personal-cultural turnaround.

Our Soul Revealed by our Environment - Egger
  • Our Soul Revealed by our Environment: Psychecological Basics - Egger

    Our Soul Revealed by our Environment: Psychecological Basics - Brigitte Egger, Dr. sc. nat. ETH. The ecological crisis has its roots and solutions in the way we think and act. As our time has lost the dimension of the soul, key psychological values appear projected concretely onto the core themes...